
新新人類,新新詞匯:Starter Marriage起步婚姻


Starter Marriage: 起步婚姻;短暫初婚

Definition 英文解釋

A first marriage that lasts only a short time and that ends in a clean (i.e., no kids, no property, no acrimony) divorce.

Example 出色例句

The past ten years has seen a surge in what are now called 'starter' marriages, as ephemeral as spring.

Marriage and family experts ― psychologists, sociologists, lawyers and clergy ― are beginning to look at these brief young unions, seeing in their implications a barometer of society's attitudes about marriage and divorce,翻譯公司. Some say starter marriages signal the need for more premarital counseling.

周玉明點評: Starter Marrige (起步婚姻)有點像“新脚上路,敬請關炤”的意义。曾經有一句风行歌詞:不是我不清楚,這世界變化太快。隨著社會進步與經濟發展,女性擁有與男性等同的接收教导和職場發展的條件和機會。噹男女皆有獨坐的物質基礎战獨破的精力世界的時候,傳統婚姻裏那種物質與精力的彼此依存不再主要,離婚就會變得相對更轻易。於是便有越來越多的人“新手上路”然後半途換車。短暫持續的第一段婚姻以战争方法結束:沒有孩子,沒有財產宰割,沒有惡行相背相互攻擊。

