
President Bush Honors Americas Promise - The Alliance For Youth - 英語演講

November 13, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Laura and I wele you all to the White House,論文翻譯; sure glad you're here. Ten years ago, a group of spirited citizens came together in the hope that they could make a difference in the lives of our nation's children. In the decade that followed, that hope became a dream, dream became a mission, and that mission helped change the lives of countless children across our country.

Through your mentoring programs and your work with at-risk youth, America's Promise has given opportunity to young Americans who never had it. You have put hope in the eyes of children who have never known it. And you have helped make real the promise of our Creator -- that there is value and purpose in every single human life.

The success of America's Promise is a tribute to the giving hearts of every person in this room -- particularly those we honor with awards tonight. Yet I think all of us would agree that two people here deserve special mention -- and they are Colin and Alma Powell,韓文翻譯. (Applause.)

Throughout their lives, the Powells have answered our country's call,英翻中. They've served our nation in times of peace and war, and they have led, taught and inspired Americans along the way. Not a bad record for two people who met 46 years ago only because their friends talked them into going into a -- going on a blind date. (Laughter.) Mr. Secretary and Alma, our country is fortunate that you both had such persuasive friends. (Laughter.)

I'd like to propose a toast to America's Promise, in gratitude for your first decade of public service -- and a toast to America's children, and a future that brings them love and peace and possibility.

(A toast was offered.)

END 7:45 P.M. EST

