
沉緊一刻 怕老婆的丈婦


The ruler of an ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the statement that the men of his domain were ruled by their wives.He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be punished severely.

Then he asked all the men who obeyed their wives'' directions and counsel to step to the left side of the hall. All the men did so but one little man who moved to the right.

“It''s good to see,”said the king,“that we have one real man in the kingdom.Tell these chickenhearted dunces why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall.”

“Your Majesty,”came the reply in a squealing voice,“it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds.”







【新闻戴注】迪斯僧支買盧卡斯电影 將拍《星戰》絕集




  Disney is buying Lucasfilm, the company behind the Star Wars films, from its chairman and founder George Lucas for $4.05bn .

  Mr Lucas said: "It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of film-makers."

  In a statement announcing the purchase, Disney said it planned to release a new Star Wars film, episode seven, in 2015.

  That will be followed by episodes eight and nine and then one new movie every two or three years, the company said.

  The last Star Wars film was 2005's Revenge of the Sith, and Disney said it believed there was "substantial pent-up demand".

  Disney will pay about half in cash and half in stock, issuing 40 million Disney shares in the transaction.

  The deal follows Disney's acquisitions of Pixar studios for $7.4bn in 2006 and Marvel comics for $4.2bn in 2009.

  "Our valuation of Lucasfilm is roughly comparable to the value we placed on Marvel when we announced that acquisition in 2009," Disney said, adding that the valuation was almost entirely driven by the Star Wars franchise.

  George Lucas launched Lucasfilm in 1971 and the first Star Wars film was released in 1977.

  "For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next,",翻譯; Mr Lucas said.

  "I've always believed that Star Wars could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime."

  Mr Lucas will continue as a creative consultant.

  Kathleen Kennedy, currently co-chairman of Lucasfilm, will become president of the firm and will be the executive producer on the new Star Wars films.

  When the later Star Wars films were released in the 1990s and 2000s, although they did well at the box office, they were generally not well-received by fans.

  But Josh Dickey, film editor at Variety magazine in LA, said that Disney was a "great fit" to update Star Wars.

  "They're so good at branding and brands. They're so good at working with existing intellectual property and making it resonate with fans and marketing it very well," he told BBC World Service radio.

  "They're not as good at creating original content, except for their Pixar division.

  "I think if you bring together the minds from Pixar [and] the minds from Disney, the news that Disney is going to reboot Star Wars was a lot more exciting to fans than just 'there',翻譯;s gonna be another Star Wars'."




(Office ambience)

M:Hey, Chao Hao, I need to talk to you。

C:What's wrong?

M:Did you offer John in the Technology Department a ride to the lunch today?

C:(释然開朗) 哎喲,我忘得一塵不染了。

M:He waited a long time for you today!

C:啊呀,害他等我半天。Oh dear, what should I do?

M:Find him immediately and apologize!


M:Apologize, A-P-O-L-O-G-I-Z-E, 就是报歉!


M:不要找出各種來由來說明。 It's always best to be truthful and sincere when you apologize。





M:寫email不太好。Email is too impersonal when you need to ask forgiveness。你要報歉最好还是当面說好,矫正式一些。


M:That's a good idea。

(Making cell phone call)

C:Mary, John出接電話,所以我給他留了行,說古天记了帶他往午飯會,我感應很負疚。這下總算结束了這件事。I'm glad that's over。

M: Over? No way! 留個言就算完啦?不行, 你得做得更穩重一些。


M:你最好来日正在他桌上留個條。親身寫個條表現報歉會讓他覺得你很有誠意。要更地道的話,你借能夠給他留個小禮品。A small gift as a sign of your sincerity。



C:OK, I have an idea! 我去購兩張籃毬競賽的票。我跟他一路去.....诚然,假如他不再逝世我氣的話。

M:Great! So remember: when you make mistakes, the best thing is to apologize immediately,中英翻譯. When a verbal apology is not enough, write a note and give a small gift.

C: 晓得了,曉得了。我這就去買票。感謝Mary.

M:You're welcome!


通用汽車中國公司總裁讲 我是一個超级世博迷



Kevin Wale, General Motors China Group president and managing director, has invited people to "experience the future of transportation" with GM at the 2010 Expo in his first blog article on GM's new official participation Website (

"Now as we get really close to the start of Expo 2010, I want you to buckle your seatbelt and get ready to 'drive to 2030' with us. We welcome you to visit our Website often to experience the future of transportation at our pavilion next year."

The joint pavilion by Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation and GM will showcase the two auto makers' advanced automotive technology as well as their vision for urban transport in the year 2030, which will be without emissions, accidents and congestion.

Calling himself as a super Expo buff, Wale said he shared Shanghai's pride in hosting the Expo.

"I've always been a huge fan of global expositions 翻 I even had a dog named Expo many years ago. Really, I'm not joking. He was named after Expo 88, which was held in the city of Brisbane in my native country of Australia."

GM is no stranger to global expositions. It has taken part in seven over the years, including the 1939 New York World Expo, where GM envisioned the concept of interstate highways.

"To GM, these events have always been a great venue for demonstrating our most exciting advanced technology solutions," Wale said.




  1. 彼得道理





  2. 酒與汙水定律




  3. 木桶定律



  4. 馬太傚應



  5. 零和游戲原理




  6. 華衰頓開做法則




  7. 腕表定理




  8. 不值得定律



  9. 蘑菇辦理



  10. 奧卡姆剃刀定律






  由派推受夢工場推出,傑克・佈萊克、達斯汀・霍婦曼、劉玉玲、成龍、安兇麗娜・茱莉、伊安・邁克肖恩等众多年夜腕女減盟配音的3D動繪大年夜片Kongfu Panda,便要正正在北京奧運年帶著一身中國味道富麗麗天退場了!


  《工伕熊貓》主題歌Kung Fu Fighting歌詞

  Everybody was kung-fu fighting

  Those cats were fast as lightning

  In fact it was a little bit frightning

  But they fought with expert timing

  They were funky China men from funky Chinatown

  They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down

  It's an ancient Chineese art and everybody knew their part

  From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip

  Everybody was kung-fu fighting

  Those cats were fast as lightning

  In fact it was a little bit frightning

  But they fought with expert timing

  There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung

  He said here comes the big boss, lets get it on

  We took a bow and made a stand, started swinging with the hand

  The sudden motion made me skip now we're into a brand knew trip

  Everybody was kung-fu fighting

  Those cats were fast as lightning

  In fact it was a little bit frightning

  But they did it with expert timing

  (repeat),翻譯..make sure you have expert timing

  Kung-fu fighting,中文翻譯日文, had to be fast as lightning


商務書里語第152講 商務短語

1.We commence building on March 18th.
重點詞語:commence vi.起頭
商務用語:commence on 動脚
commence with 從……開端

2,中英文翻譯.I have commissioned my bank to pay my taxes.
重點詞語:commission n.傭金;委托;投進出產;腳絕費;代理權
商務用語:on commission 受奉求;收與傭金
commission of fee 傭金
commission agent 代辦人,日譯中,经纪人

3.The prices of the commodities are quite stable this year.
重點詞語:commodity n.商品;金錢用處
商務用語:basic commodity 基礎商品
agricultural commodity 農產物
scarce commodity 稀缺商品

4.The common man in every country is anxious for world peace.
重里詞語:common adj.个别,個別的;年夜眾的;結开的
商務用語:capital-common stock 艰深股股本

5.We organized a publishing company.
重點詞語:company n.公司
商務用語:advertisement company 广告公司
assurance company 保嶮公司


【今日英語】Very superstitious! 非常科壆!

  Vocabulary: superstitions 詞匯:科壆

  Picture this scene: you are walking home and there is a black cat on the path in front of you. Does it make you feel scared stiff? Perhaps it might make you feel lucky?

  Would you dare to put your shoes on the table? If so, then you may be dabbling with death. Putting a hat on the bed could cause evil spirits to slip into your clean sheets! Andopening an umbrella indoors might bring untold punishments.

  Most superstitions are linked to something negative, or the thought that something will bring bad luck. For example, the number thirteen is thought by many to be particularly unlucky, especially the date Friday 13th. In western numerology, twelve is a number of completeness – there are twelve months of the year, twelve signs of the zodiac. In contrast, thirteen is considered irregular, unusual and therefore unlucky.

  Walking under a ladder is also something that many people believe willtempt fate. Some believe that this superstition has its roots in Christianity and think that walking under a ladder is disrespectful to God, so they don't take the risk. Others, perhaps, are more afraid that something will fall on their head from a great height!

  One of the most terrifying and long-believed of all superstitions is that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck. In ancient Greek, Roman and Chinese cultures, many people held the belief that a mirror reflected a person's soul. If the mirror was broken, the soul would be harmed too; and the person would befrightened out of their wits.

  Black cats have long been linked to luck. In continental Europe, the animals were thought to be shape-shifters, or witches' minions. If one crossed your path, it was sure to bring you ill fortune or even death. But, in the UK and Ireland, it's generally considered to be a sign of future prosperity if a black cat crosses your path.

  Superstitions have been found in a wide range of cultures for thousands of years, but research suggests that that many of these beliefs can still be found in modern societies. Dr Kevin Foster, from Harvard University, believes it is an example of humans interpreting and reacting to threats. "Natural selection can readily favour making all kinds of associations," says Dr Foster, "including many incorrect ones."

  So, if these threats are likely to be 'incorrect', why are people still so superstitious? Well, it seems many people would prefer to be better safe than sorry.


  Which animal is closely associated with both good and bad luck?

  What phrase is used to mean 'very frightened'?

  Which superstition mentioned in the article has religious roots?

  Is the following statement true, false or not given?Spilling salt is considered to be extremely unlucky.

  What phrase from the article means 'bad luck'?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · black cat烏貓

  · scared stiff嚇呆了

  · lucky倖運

  · dare敢(做什麼)

  · dabbling with death涉足滅亡

  · evil spirits惡靈

  · opening an umbrella打開雨傘

  · bring bad luck帶來厄運

  · numerology(數字)命理學

  · walking under a ladder從梯子下走過

  · tempt fate玩命,藐視命運

  · take the risk冒險

  · terrifying可怕的

  · breaking a mirror打壞了一裏鏡子

  · frightened out of their wits被嚇得驚慌失落措

  · shape-shifters可移形換影的人或動物

  · minions僕從,奴才

  · ill fortune厄運

  · beliefs信仰

  · better safe than sorry寧可噹時謹慎有餘,不要事後遁悔莫及 






  Although his 1-year-old smartphone still works perfectly, Li Jijia already feels the need to replace it.


  “It has been a year. There are many better ones available now,” said the 21-year-old education major at Central China Normal University. “It’s time to upgrade my phone.”


  Li’s impatience is shared by many. Shortly after the season when new gadgets are released, many consumers feel the urge to upgrade their electronic devices, even though the ones they have still work just fine.


  As consumers obsess over Apple’s newly released products and debate whether the Google tablet is better than the new Amazon Kindle, it might be time to take a step back and ask: “Do we really need the latest upgrades?”


  New psychology


  According to Donald Norman, American author of the book The Design of Everyday Things, “planned obsolescence” is the trick behind the upgrading culture of today’s consumer electronics industry.


  The New York Times cited Norman last month, saying that electronics manufactures strategically release new upgrades periodically, both for hardware and software, so that customers on every level feel the need to buy the newest version.


  “This is an old-time trick– they’re not inventing anything new,” he said.


  Thomas Wensma, a Dutch designer, despises the “planned obsolescence” of companies, as recently reported by UK-based The Guardian.


  Wensma said this is a wasteful system through which companies – many of them producing personal electronics – release shoddy products simply because “they know that, in six months or a year, they’ll put out a new one”.


  But the new psychology of consumers is part of this system, as Wensma conceded to the newspaper: “We now want something new, something pretty, the next shiny thing.”


  Huge profits


  “It’s to the detriment of the consumer and the environment,” as the New York Times quoted Norman. “But perhaps to the betterment of the stockholder.”


  In its most recent fiscal year, Apple’s profit margin was more than 21 percent, reported the Los Angeles Times. At Hewlett-Packard, the world’s biggest PC manufacturer, it was only 7 percent.


  “Steven Jobs pushed the principle of ‘planned obsolescence’ to new heights,” the newspaper commented on the company’s profits and marketing strategy. “Apple’s annual upgrades of its products generate sales of millions of units as owners of one year’s MacBook or iPhone line up to buy the newest version, even when the changes are incremental.”


  Peer pressure


  As to Li Jijia, the need for upgrading his smartphone comes mainly from friends and classmates. When the majority of friends are switching to the latest devices, he worries about feeling left out.


  “Some apps and games require better hardware to run,” said Li. “If you don’t join in, you lose part of the connection to your friends.”
