
通用汽車中國公司總裁讲 我是一個超级世博迷



Kevin Wale, General Motors China Group president and managing director, has invited people to "experience the future of transportation" with GM at the 2010 Expo in his first blog article on GM's new official participation Website (

"Now as we get really close to the start of Expo 2010, I want you to buckle your seatbelt and get ready to 'drive to 2030' with us. We welcome you to visit our Website often to experience the future of transportation at our pavilion next year."

The joint pavilion by Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation and GM will showcase the two auto makers' advanced automotive technology as well as their vision for urban transport in the year 2030, which will be without emissions, accidents and congestion.

Calling himself as a super Expo buff, Wale said he shared Shanghai's pride in hosting the Expo.

"I've always been a huge fan of global expositions 翻 I even had a dog named Expo many years ago. Really, I'm not joking. He was named after Expo 88, which was held in the city of Brisbane in my native country of Australia."

GM is no stranger to global expositions. It has taken part in seven over the years, including the 1939 New York World Expo, where GM envisioned the concept of interstate highways.

"To GM, these events have always been a great venue for demonstrating our most exciting advanced technology solutions," Wale said.

